Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My New View on Global Warming

Global warming is something I grew up hearing about, but not understanding its meaning. My first memories of these words would be in the 1980’s as a child of ten. The 80’s were a decade of new phrases such as global warming, Star Wars (not the movie), and HIV. To a ten year-old, the phrases were just adult talk. Twenty years later I am an adult and these phrases are still major issues around the world.
I already believe in the theory of global warming but must admit I have had a laissez-faire attitude towards the topic. I cared about it but was content to have somebody else take global warming up as his or her personal crusade. I would have never selected the movie An Inconvenient Truth to watch until it was shown in my Ethics in Ecology class at college. I can honestly say that the movie was good and I would recommend it to others to watch. The movie was entertaining as well as informative.
All the evidence presented in An Inconvenient Truth was convincing to this viewer. The computer models of the Earth’s hypothetical future and scientific facts used in conjunction with known environmental history were too logical to dismiss. From the increased number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the last thirty years to the projection of three hundred thousand deaths attributed to global warming by the year 2032; it was enough to let this self proclaimed ‘Marie Antoinette’ sit up and take notice.